I'd got an email from 1 of the knitting or crochet websites I sign up to about getting ready for Christmas & it got me thinking about some patterns I'd looked out last year but never got around to doing. I absolutely adore these crochet robins & christmas pudding. Think the robin works better in the lighter colour.

They've even got little tails!

Some snowflakes....

Thankfully no 2 snowflakes are the same in nature or my crocheting!

Must now concentrate on knitting something for Wool Week at the beginning of September, we're planning on decorating the car park outside The Woolclip shop in Caldbeck. So far some of the members have knitted sheep, balloons, covers for the tree trunks, a spiders web, I've got to come up with something too, had tried a spiders web but it came up too tight, someone said it looked like one of those webs the spiders on LSD or acid make!