Oh my goodness, it was so cold last night when I let the dog out, but this morning we were driving into Cockermouth on frozen ice covered roads & the temperature gauge on the car was
-12 degrees, I don't think I've ever seen temperatures that low in my lifetime. Even when I've been abroad ski-ing in France or Italy or Switzerland, it's cold but not that sort of cold. I looked up on our local weather station for the village & it said it got down to -16 last night, no wonder the dog didn't want to go out!
Have ordered some crampons, which are due in next week, guaranteed to arrive on the day the snow melts!
Anyway, made it into town for a very important appointment - hair cut - if I'd have missed it I wouldn't have got another one this side of Christmas, so glad I struggled in.
Work on teeth was finished yesterday, so am the proud owner of 2 crowns, next one is booked for April, will take me that long to save up for it, £290 a go. A friend was calling me Your Majesty today as I've got 2 crowns not just 1!
Unfortunately our Gardening Club Christmas Party was cancelled because of the weather, as some people literally haven't been able to get out of their drives for a week because of the ice & the roads generally are dreadful. It's a shame as it's an absolute hoot, everyone brings a plate of food & the club supplies the wine & the bar is usually drunk dry by the end of the evening & there are silly games to do, mainly plant-related, which sounds really naff but when you've had a drink or 2 is quite good fun, even the husband admits to enjoying it!
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
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