Sunday 5 September 2010

I won a Cup at The Loweswater Show!

Well, am very surprised & delighted that I won a cup for the "best exhibit in knitting". I also won 3 firsts & 2 seconds! All for my knitting, sewing & drink-making capabilities, nothing at all for baking & jam/jelly/chutney - that really does sum me up! Would far rather be making things than cooking!
This is the shawl that won first in the double knitting category & "Best Exhibit in Knitting".

Then I won first in the 3/4 ply category with another shawl, unfortunately the socks I knitted for my husband didn't win anything - he's now allowed to wear them!
And in the knitted scarf category I won first prize for my curly-wurly scarf, which I designed myself, so am very chuffed about that!
These were all the entries in just the knitting & sewing categories! This was my cushion that came second, in the "home made cushion" category & then finally my elderflower cordial came second in the "summer drink in a jug" category.
I'm not even going to bother putting pictures of my jam/jelly/chutneys as they've been deemed "ungraded"! Must try better for next year, shame about my cheese scones, as I thought they turned out were rather nice
There the ones on the far left - look nice don't they? Think maybe they weren't big enough....

Anyway, it was a sunny, warm if windy day & thankfully the Show went ahead after being cancelled for the last 2 years because of wet weather. Looking forward to 2011!

Could do without the Morris Dancers though..........