Friday 25 February 2011

Computer broken :(

Well I haven't been blogging for a while as the screen on our laptop has broken & we're still waiting for the part to come from China. Everything was on hold for 2 weeks over Chinese New Year so it couldn't get ordered & now we're just waiting for the part to get sent here. Soon hopefully. We've rigged up a monitor to the laptop finally just to get online, were having serious withdrawal!

Have been catching up on films I sky +'d over Christmas, such as Slumdog Millionaire, which I'd never seen & absolutely loved, would have been fantastic on the big screen. Then had a girls film night & we watched It's Complicated with Meryl Streep & Alec Baldwin, which was brilliant, really funny & I've always loved Alec Baldwin, we'd also watched Revolutionary Road that evening as none of had seen it & that was awful, don't know why everyone raved on about Kate Winslet & Leonardo di Caprio. Last night watched Julie & Julia with again Meryl Streep about Julia Child which was really good, not that I'm much of a cook!

Have been doing lots of knitting & will add some photos soon.....