Monday 30 May 2011

Flower Festival

This bank holiday weekend there was a flower festival at our local church, not ever having been to one before I wasn't sure what to expect.

Some of us went to the local school to help the children fill old wellies & shoes with pansies, they look quite effective walking up the path to the church.....

The flower arrangements were based around hymns.
This is "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night", quite appropriate with all the lambs skipping around the fields at the moment.

This is my 1 of my favourites, "We Plough the Fields & Scatter", I just love all the colours, think it works beautifully together.

This is "Morning Has Broken".

And my other favourite was the altar, just thought it was simple & beautiful.

Friday 20 May 2011

Scary day out

A view of Hardknott Pass, after we'd negotiated it & Wrynose. Some very kind friends, I call them kind & friends but not sure if that's what they really are! took us around Wrynose & Hardknott passes last week. It was something we'd wanted to do for a while but couldn't drive it ourselves, so it was quite an experience. The drops aren't bad it's the narrowness of the road when you have to pass an oncoming car & then the angle of the road on Hardknott, it is literally vertical, 1:3, to be truthful!
The photos are truly disappointing as it doesn't look high at all.
And this is Hardknott Roman Fort, absolutely beautiful, but I just feel so sorry for the poor Romans who were stationed there, in just togas & open-toed sandals.

Friday 13 May 2011

photos of more shawls....

2 lovely shawls knitted in 100% merino, so fine but so warm too!

This is knitted in a double knit with a metallic thread through it which catches the light - brilliant!

Swallowtail, front & back knitted in K1 Yarns from Edinburgh, laceweight linen/cotton in a gorgeous purple.

Print O' the Wave Stole, this is an old Shetland pattern that's meant to show the print of the wave in the sand....

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Lace Sampler Shawls - more piccies

This is my Lace Sampler Shawl, back

& front

"Indulgence" in pink!

Must take this pictures again on a different coloured mannequin as it doesn't show up very well on the light colour.


The 10th Birthday scarf/stole has a new name - Indulgence - so you can indulge your passion for lace with this pattern with 10 different designs!

I think it looks good on the mannequin.

It will only be on sale for this year, so if you want it, you'll have to get it fast!