Monday 19 December 2011

New Shawl

Am so pleased I've finally finished this shawl, I started it in September when we were on holiday in Spain & it's taken me far too long, kept going off the boil with it, but needed to get it finished for January as it's going to be my exhibition piece for The WOW Exhibition at Rheged in Penrith from mid Jan - mid April.

So am really relieved to have it finished. It's knitted in 2ply merino & has about 2,000 pink glass beads knitted into it. I'd knitted it to go with a green & pink dress I'd bought at the beginning of the year in Spain! So got there eventually.

I'm calling the shawl "Spun in Magic, Wishes Come True", they're lyrics from a Frank Sinatra song called "My Shawl"

Pinned out blocking.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

More Christmas

This year's Christmas tree, it's about 8 ft & gorgeous, got virtually every decoration we own on it!

This year's Christmas wreath
And my indoor one, which I made years ago when I used to make felt Christmas decorations to sell at craft fairs.

Saturday 10 December 2011


This year's Christmas Card!

Our Fairy's fallen off the top of the tree.... Think she's been on the sherry in this picture! Going to the Hunt Coffee Morning tomorrow, hope the weather's going to behave as it's in the barn in the morning & the house in the afternoon!

This was the weather during the week, if it looks cold - it was!

A hunt from the Borders is coming down as well so they'll be lots of hounds. They're not going on a high trail as the Borders hounds aren't used to high, craggy ground! Ah bless....

Hopefully going to collect some greenery in the afternoon tomorrow for the Christmas wreaths, as meeting during the week with friends to make them up & then decorate the Christmas tree tomorrow as well, got the most beautiful tree delivered from a local farmer, it's absolutely gorgeous.

Was in The Wool Clip today, was meant to be the busiest shopping day of the year, they weren't in Caldbeck, had 1 customer all day, was a very long day....Got a lot of knitting done though!