Tuesday 21 February 2012

Field of Flowers Shawl

Just finished this one, maybe to keep for myself, it's beaded & I just love the colour.

The purple on on a mannequin, am so pleased with the way this pattern turned out!

Looks like a ghost!

Sunday 12 February 2012

Burns Night Supper

We had a belated Burns Night Supper on Saturday, it was the first time we could get everyone together, all the lassies brought a course, the men provided the entertainment & wine.

The table before
The haggis being piped in....

The haggis
The address to the haggis
And there was dancing....
And the table afterwards....

February in the Lakes

Crafty Coven's morning out at Buttermere last Monday, cold but absolutely gorgeous day. We went to a newly refurbished coffee shop, can definitely recommend it, will be even nicer in the summer!
Snow on the tops