Monday 25 February 2013

It's Finished - Four Seasons Lace Shawl

Well, I finally finished The Four Seasons Lace Shawl, trying to write up the pattern is a different story altogether, eyes are so sore concentrating!

 Spring, Estonian stitch, Lily of the Valley

 Summer - Dayflower

Autumn - Interlocking Cherry Leaves
 Winter - Christmas trees

Thursday 21 February 2013


Had a lovely walk at Ennerdale yesterday.  It's the one lake I'd never been to & it's only 20 minutes from home!  They're trying to build a nuclear dump underneath it at the moment, complete madness.

Four Seasons Lace Shawl

Very difficult to photo, but this is Spring & Summer

 And just going into Autumn
And the Summer Seashore Lace Shawls in The Wool Clip shop

Sunday 17 February 2013

Four Seasons Lace Shawl

We've had the most fantastic couple of days here, 24 degrees in the sun, according to the hubby's Xmas present of a fancy temperature gauge, however that does drop to freezing overnight, but even the dog was too hot this afternoon & had to lie on the patio to cool down!

Anyway, I'm making headway with the new shawl, have done 2 patterns now, Spring & Summer, Lily of the Valley & Dayflower, now I need to find a nice leaf pattern for Autumn. Am a bit worried it's going to end up rather big, usually I do 3 different stitches in a shawl pattern, but this will obviously take up 4, so will have to see how it ends up, will try & take some photos tomorrow.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Thinking of a new pattern...

Trying to think of coming up with some new patterns, was either thinking of a stole/scarf with 12 different patterns & calling it a calendar scarf, but it's difficult to come up with patterns that represent each month.  Or my other thought is Four Seasons, that might be easier, only coming up with 4 patterns!

Saturday 9 February 2013

Seashore Lace Shawl

This is how I write my knitting patterns, mad or what! I have to visualise the pattern & work out the yo's to see how the pattern alters as it increases.

I have the knitted the pattern a 2nd time to check what I've typed is correct, found a couple of little mistakes but it worked.  This is the shawl once it's been blocked.


Monday 4 February 2013

Visiting London

Just had a wonderful weekend in London, went to see Kristen Scott Thomas, Rufus Sewell & Lia Williams in Old Times, a Harold Pinter play, very odd to say the least!  The actors were fantastic & am so glad I saw them but the play was strange!

Anyway went to the V&A & one of my favourite rooms is the Cast Room, where they have plaster casts of famous buildings.  I just think it's absolutely amazing how they took the casts & then manage to put them together.
 Then there was a ballgown exhibition, this was a beautiful lace collar.
 The embroidery on this evening coat was so beautiful, cow parsley heads, i think.
 And then the knitted swimsuit, so practical!

The entrance to The V&A with the wonderful glass sculpture.

We had a lovely lunch at The V&A Cafe

 And then we went to Chinatown as we're having people over for dinner on Chinese New Year, so picked up some bits & pieces there.

Friday 1 February 2013

I'm Back!!

Well I haven't been here for a while, 2012, wasn't the best of years.  So will just draw a line under it & start afresh for 2013.

And I have been busy, designing a new lace shawl.  I've called it Summer Seashore in the hope that we do get a summer this year.

It has 3 different designs, 1 that looks like a mussel's shell, then print 'o' the wave & cockleshell, all traditional Shetland designs.