Friday 3 July 2009

Started knitting a scarf yesterday with some wool I've had for ages, it's just a practise piece really, as don't have many balls. I've done a ruffle edge to it just to make it a bit more interesting.

I've been doing a web design course for a few months, which I'm on again this morning, not quite sure what I'm going to do on my website yet but at least I'll know how to design it.

Can't decide whether I want to make hand embroidered names and cards, which is something I did years ago when our son was little. I used to sell through craft fairs & shops but I don't know if I want to do that again as I did it 20+ years ago. What I really fancy doing is making bags. I love bags, doesn't matter how fat/thin you are bags & shoes always fit!

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Here I am!

Well, here I am world, come & find me!

I'm a 40 something year old living in the beautiful north of England.

Been interested in crafts all my life. Have done embroidery, knitting, cross-stitch & needlepoint forever & I've just started learning to crochet, a friend is very kindly giving me lessons, she has a lot of patience!

Went to Woolfest last Friday which was very exciting. Lots of inspiration but was very good & didn't spend too much. Did buy some hessian & a proddy to make a rag rug - another project to start!

But first I must finish the rug I've been doing for 13 years, just got the border to do, only been taking me 3 years!
Then I need to decide what I want to crochet with my new-found ability.
& get wool & pattern for a cobweb lace shawl/stole. If anyone has a reliable pattern, would love to see it, keep looking them up on the net & can't decide what to do. Saw some absolutely fabulous ones at Woolfest & am desperate to make one. Also want to use Rowan's kidsilk haze mohair as it looks beautiful & the colours are to die for.

Yesterday I made some elderflower cordial for the first time & it was so lovely that I'm now making 6 bottles more.

Also making some elderflower champagne, apparently it's non-alcoholic, which is a bit disappointing & you have to wait 2 weeks for it to mature, looks pretty dire at the moment but smells wonderful. Using a recipe given to me by a neighbour from a WI Cookbook from 1939!

So many things to do & just not enough hours in the day........