Sunday 16 May 2010

New Beaded Shawl

I love my new shawl!!

It's got about 2,000 beads knitted into it.
And I've made it to go with a blouse I bought in Spain.
Just need somewhere to wear it........

Thursday 13 May 2010

Rannerdale Bluebells

Went to see the bluebells at Rannerdale yesterday, but they're not quite ready. Rannerdale is a valley beside Crummock Water, on the way to Buttermere. It's quite hidden away, but comes to life in Spring. The hillsides become a vibrant blue & there's a heady scent in the air with the bluebells. They don't grow as tall as those in woods or gardens, I guess because it's quite windy.But it was a gorgeous day, but still so cold. You can see how the water in the beck has gouged out some of the river bank & deposited lots of gravel, still lots of clearing up to do.

Friday 7 May 2010

Put my back out..........

How can I put the hoover down & put my back out????

Haven't done this for years, spent all day limping around. I so wanted to be in the garden today, planting up a new herbaceous border. Husband got some manure & dug it into the bed for me, but today can barely put 1 foot in front of other. Met with a friend for a craft afternoon, but she had to come to me as I couldn't walk to her house, only 100 yards around the village, it's so maddening.

Also, want to go to Rannerdale to see the bluebells, but pointless going at the weekend as so busy, so hopefully will be back to normal next week..........