Friday 10 December 2010

What else can go wrong.....

Well, car service yesterday, not too bad but needed work we hadn't expected.

Then boiler was leaking in the morning, turned out the outlet pipe was frozen & cracked so the condensation was freezing in the flue & then running back into the heat exchanger & leaking - I sound like I know what I'm talking about, but just have a very good plumber - of course it's the weekend now & won't be able to ring the engineer until Monday & goodness only knows when he'll come!

I daren't say we still have running water (through taps as opposed to walls) & electricity, at the moment anyway!

What else..... oh yes, the builder covered our chimney pot over a month ago as it was leaking & we were trying to work out where it was leaking & then it snowed & he hasn't been able to get up there to take the bag off, so now we can't use the wood burner either!

Oh yes, ordered some oil, can't deliver for 2-3 weeks.

Tax bill.......

You want more, diagnosed with pernicious anaemia & have to go to the hospital for more tests with the cardiologist.

If I survive until Christmas I'll be lucky!

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