Monday 14 May 2012

Having a go at dying

I bought this lambswool about a year ago & it hasn't sold at all well, so decided to have a go at overdying it rather than buying more yarn. 

It's funny because I deliberately bought some colours that I don't like; I naturally go for bright pinks, blues, purples, but thought I should get some different colours as not everyone likes what I like & it's strange as the ones I bought outside my comfort zone, haven't sold!  Should just stick to what I like.

So this is how it started out, it's greener in real life than in the photo.

The dye ready to go!

 Being brave & putting the yarn in....

Hanging up, drying, quite pleased with the colour. It's meant to be intense violet, not quite strong enough, next time will experiment with not diluting as much, but it might be because I was overdying.
 Re-skeined as it was a bit tangled.
Ta-Dah! Finished, am quite pleased with that, better than that funny green colour.

Have now got the dying bug, have got a blue on the go at the moment......

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