Friday 4 May 2012

Lanercost Priory & Hadrian's Wall

We had to drop the car into Carlisle yesterday as someone in Sainsbury's car park had opened their door & banged ours leaving a dent in the wheel arch, of course they didn't leave their details, so it's cost us £500 to get a small dent knocked out.  The upside was that we decided to go to Lanercost Priory which is only 15mins from Carlisle.  Quite beautiful & atmospheric. Had to believe when it was built in the 12th century it was on the main road from east to west, absolutely deserted now.

These were beautiful cravings above where the monks would have washed their hands.
The undercroft, where they would have stored food & drink, ceiling was a work of art.
 The ruins of the priory
 A beautiful William Morris window in the church
 A watch tower along Hadrian's Wall, there's 1 every mile.
 The wall at the Roman Fort at Birdoswald, there quite a sizeable chunk of it there, very impressive.  I can't tell you how cold it was, there was such an icy wind.  Then when we got back home it was a glorious sunny day!

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