Wednesday 6 January 2010

Beaded Shawl

Finished! My first beaded shawl & even though I haven't blocked it yet I love it. Love the way the beads catch the light, lovely....

Our local wool shop is out of action because of the floods, so we went to Keswick today & bought a stash of DK wool to make some corsages with, some colours are for orders for friends & others are maybe for my Etsy shop, when I finally get it up & running....

Also bought some sock yarn, solid grey for husband & a multi-purpley one for me.

Not enough hours in the day.....


  1. Your Aeolian looks AMAZING! Much more impressive than mine. So you did the beads, well done; I was too lazy.

  2. ah, thank you, it was very fiddly to begin with but I'm glad I persevered (not sure if that's how you spell it) might have just preserved myself! but worth it, have an urge to add to beads to everything now.....
