Wednesday 7 April 2010


Aren't these bowls beautiful? You just don't get colours like this in the UK, am going to use them for tapas.

& I absolutely adore this blouse I got, again don't get anything in these sorts of colours here. I got this one last winter, I love this make Almatrichi.

Whilst we were in Spain they had The Fallas Fiesta in the Valencia region, where they build these amazing wooden strutures & then set fire to them on 19th March. The stautes are cartoonlike & are of political figures, celebrities etc. The amount of work involved is incredible, in our town they have 11 but in Valencia there 380! The whole city comes to a standstill. & then they have the most amazing processions, as each district that has a Falla, elect Falleras & Falleros. The dresses that the women & girls wear are so beautiful, they're made of silk & the jewellery is gold & they cost a fortune upto as much £13,000!

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