Tuesday 20 April 2010

Why are all Spring flowers yellow......

I've noticed over the last few years that all Spring flowers do seem to be mainly yellow & white - is that beacuse it's Easter & eggs are yellow & white??

Just think about it, for yellow you've got; daffodils, primroses, forsythia, buttercups, celandines, aconites, dandelions, cowslips, crocuses, gorse, I'm sure there are more.

Then you've got the white ones; snowdrops, hawthorn, blackthorn, elderflower blossom, actually most blossom's white, wood anemones, crocuses & then you get some purple flowers too; crocuses again, lilac, polyanthus, - strange but true!

These are the cowslips that the mice have eaten - those pesky mice!

The crows are pulling the pansies out of 1 of my pots by the front door, only the right one, not the left & then the sheep are getting in through the hedge & eating everything else - it's a wonder we have any garden left at all!

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