Thursday 19 January 2012

Gin Socks

Was just reading the details about the exhibits at the WOW Exhibition & I just loved the write up about these 2 pieces.

These are called "Gin Socks" by Deirdre Nelson. They are hand knitted in shetland wool & the idea behind them is the most amazing story. Socks were bartered for gin in the 1700's, Shetland women would knit socks all winter then in the Spring they would barter them for bottles of gin with Dutch fishermen, apparantly 3 socks would get you a pint of gin!

These are "Knitted Homes of Crime" by Freddie Robins. They are meant to remind you of tea cosies, but these are the houses associated with high-profile crimes committed by women; sinister sweets from love-struck old ladies, a lunch of corned beef sarnies withe added strychnine & a steaming cup of Oxo & arsenic are some of the ways the residents met their grisly ends!Who said knitting was boring....

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